
  • 110 浏览
  • 最后发表 2019-01-14 16:14
xiongwj 发布于 2019-01-14 16:14


--ParticipantType 2 部门
--ParticipantType 7 某部分的领导
--ParticipantType 22 某部门某岗位

-- 流程权限设置为和部门相关
SELECT c.ProcessName,c.ProcessCode,c.ProcessVersion,b.GroupName FROM BPMD_PARTICIPANT a
INNER JOIN BPMU_GROUP b on b.GroupId = a.Param0
INNER JOIN BPMD_PROCESS c on c.ProcessId = a.ProcessId
WHERE a.ParticipantType IN (2,7,22) AND a.FunctionType='ProcPerm'
AND a.IsEnable = 1 and c.IsEnable = 1

-- 流程处理人设置为和部门相关
SELECT c.ProcessName,c.ProcessCode,c.ProcessVersion,b.GroupName,d.ElementName FROM BPMD_PARTICIPANT a
INNER JOIN BPMU_GROUP b on b.GroupId = a.Param0
INNER JOIN BPMD_PROCESS c on c.ProcessId = a.ProcessId
INNER JOIN BPMD_NODE d on d.ElementId = a.ElementId
WHERE a.ParticipantType IN (2,7,22) AND a.FunctionType='ActivityRecp'
AND a.IsEnable = 1 and c.IsEnable = 1 and d.IsEnable = 1

-- 流程线上设置为何部门相关
SELECT c.ProcessName,c.ProcessCode,c.ProcessVersion,b.GroupName,d.DspString,e.ElementName as FromNode,f.ElementName as ToNode FROM BPMD_PARTICIPANT a
INNER JOIN BPMU_GROUP b on b.GroupId = a.Param0
INNER JOIN BPMD_PROCESS c on c.ProcessId = a.ProcessId
INNER JOIN BPMD_TRANSITION d on d.ElementId = a.ElementId
INNER JOIN BPMD_NODE e on e.ElementId = d.FromActivityId
INNER JOIN BPMD_NODE f on f.ElementId = d.ToActivityId
WHERE a.ParticipantType IN (2,7,22) AND a.FunctionType='TranRecp'
AND a.IsEnable = 1 and c.IsEnable = 1 and d.IsEnable = 1


